A message from His Grace, King James V of Scotland
Greetings Queensferry! All shall know full and well that Sundays at our festival is a day of remembrance. Often Times I share from my heart, the respect we have for all those that have gone on before us. That it may not matter what banner a person lifted up and fought for, but what matters is that they had that courage to stand and say "I heed that call and I will respond and will fight for my chosen banner". It is with this in mind that we dedicate this page to the men and woman who have heard a similar call through history and was willing to shed there blood to fight for what the believe in. As we near the end of building our new "Virtual" Home here at Queensferryrenfest.com I believe we should be reminded, as we should always be, of the past and those amazing souls that paths have crossed with our own. This is by no means an exhaustive list of all those dear souls but rather a place to remember a few of those that have impacted this shire. So very often we have people who cross our paths and truly leave our lives and our festival better for knowing them. To bring this page closer to home here I bow my head, and I shed tears for the dear souls mentioned below. Again there are countless that could be listed here. But these few names in some form or fashion truly shaped Queensferry Renaissance Festival and has left it so much better for doing so.
In service to Queensferry
King J!
LOrd K (also known as Jon Reneau) was without a doubt one of the most amazing musicians we have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Jon could pick up most any instrument and play it like he had been playing it for seasons upon seasons. Just by playing a single note of whatever instrument he chose he could pull the heart strings. Not only could Jon play, he also was a composer. Jon was a friend to all Queensferry. His life and work shall always live on thru "the Queensferry Song" You will here this song at the close of every faire as it was the eternal gift he left with Queensferry. While he might have never been able to sing it with us on our festival grounds we like to think he is with us every time with lift our voice and sing it.

Mother Ems

Mother Ems was, well much like a mother to all Queensferry. While in festival mode she portrayed Mother Ems our beloved midwife. Out of character she truly showed all that she cared about and loved everyone. You ask any of our cast and they will tell you the best part of every time you were around Ems was when she would shove her sword thru her shoe. Mother Ems was always there t o help any way that she could and if nothing else was at the very least a sounding board for all and encouraged everyone she meet to be the best and most true version of ones self.
Goldie Sanders

Goldie was one of the very first vendors. She was always there as a friend to all of us. She would always welcome each of us with open arms and encourage us all to never give up but always fight for what we believe in.