Meet Our Enchanting Cast

The Royal Court
King James V of Scotland

Portrayed by
Mike Ellis
Bringing over 28 years of love for History and reenacting to the Royal Table Mike has his hands in many aspects of our festival. No matter if he is portraying our King or if he is busy working behind the scenes, he pours all of his being into helping make QFRF the best place it can be.
Queen Marie De Guise

Portrayed by
Danny Thomas
In Danny's time with us she has portrayed a number of different roles spanning most every social class. Perhaps she is most loved as the strong willed, intelligent, and caring Queen Marie De Guise.
Hark The Herald

Portrayed by
John Brook
John brings with him many years of acting in various forms. He spends a lot of his day announcing to all that will hear the arrival of the Crown! When not in royal service he can be found near musical acts, often performing with them.
Cardinal Beaton

Portrayed by Stephen Beckman
Stephen is one of the most knowledgeable guys we have met. He enjoys researching the customs, history, and lives of the historical key players in Scottish and English history. He truly embodies Cardinal Beaton.
Sir Oliver Sinclair

Portrayed by
Heath Miller
Heath has been very hands on with QFRF since he first joined. He portrays one of the Kings closest friends, even though he doesn't allow our good King to buy more feathers. He is the cupbearer to the King. Heath has a love for history and music. During the School year he spends his time teaching Band and Medieval history.
Lady Mary

Portrayed by Jennifer Miller
Jennifer portrays the Queens Lady. She is a friend and confidant to the Queen as she has been one of the Queens friends for many years. Jennifer in her free time, also teaches band and some how manages to keep her husband Heath in line and wrangle their young well as help keep up with three teenagers....perhaps she should be a saint for keeping this all going.
Royal Guards
More coming soon
Lady Kilagrew??
Portrayed by
Heidi Reneu
Heidi has spent her life portraying numerous characters from many different time lines. Heidi brings an abundance of experience, love, and laughter to our team.
Lady Lena The Royal Spinner

Portrayed by
Lean Brook
Lena is our Royal spinner she is one of our living history demos. Stop by here area and watch as she sits and spins fibers into yarn, or maybe you find her turning her yarn into usable garments.
Captian Red Beard

Portrayed by
Darrel Torix
Has spent well over ten years as a historical reenactor. Often times behind the scenes, Darrel finds himself making the ideas of Mike and Kameron come to life.
Mad Angus

Portrayed by
Danny Myers
Danny and his team are instrumental in helping all who pass thru the gates pass through history to 1540 Scotland. As Mad Angus is our gate keeper and master of the coin, he is the first face you see and sets the tone for all interactions beyond the gate!
More Cast Coming soon
Experience the Magic of Queensferry Renaissance Festival
Join us for an unforgettable journey back in time and witness the enchanting performances of our talented cast. Book your tickets now and be a part of the Renaissance adventure!