Regalia International Birds of Prey

Regalia International is a crowd favorite at any show they go to. Sit back and listen to the Kings Falconers as they tell you stories of their favorite birds. Weather permitting you may get to watch and feel the birds swoop from the air as they show you just how majestic they are in flight.

Ezra and Dily are sure to leave you speechless as you listen to what all Ezra has to say, all while Dily try's to keep the show moving forward. You never know what these two might say or sing! Be sure and take in their shows anytime you can be certain no two shows are alike.
Pirates Inc.

Be sure and find your way to the Pub stage as it is the home of Pirates Inc. If you look closely you might find their hideout near by. Pirates Inc. will perform tunes for you that they have gathered on the High Seas.
Guy McKenion
The Royal Piper

To a Scotsman, no sound is as invigorating as the first note from bagpipes. That note can cause the hair to stand on end instantly and make the heart long for a land far away. Be sure and listen (its not hard to hear, we promise) for Guy McKeion as he plays during the day when not in service to the Crown.
Lady Nancy

Sit back and relax and listen to the harmony of the Hammered Dulcimer as Lady Nancy shares her love and passion for this amazing instrument. It does not matter if it is a Celtic tune or something a bit more modern, Lady Nancy is an amazing musician.
RhythMick Ramblers

Brand new to Queensferry this year is RythMick Ramblers!!! Be sure to check them out and welcome them to QFRF!
Desert Wind Dancers

Be sure and find the Dessert Wind Dancers on the Main stage. Watch in admiration as these talented artists perform their Arabian dances.
Athren the Red

Athren the Red can be found wandering the lanes of our shire. For a small fee you to can employee him to insult those you love most. From simple one line insults to full blown kingdom size insults you never know what Athren will have to say. Be prepared if you meet him face to face!
Cheeks and Phoenix

Cheeks and Phoenix can be found on the Pub Stage. Their music can stir the soul. Sit back and enjoy as they perform a rather eclectic collection of music. A crowd favorite that can only be heard on Sunday morning as they perform a Sunday morning Gospel show!

Doug has been a part of the festival longer than any of us can recall! He is a very talented musician and has a wide range of songs. He performs Period Inspired pieces, folk, gospel, and his own original work. Often times referred to as our Hobbit, his music can heal the soul...well unless you are the King and Doug performs that one song!
Justin the Bard

Justin the Bard needs no introduction. Justin spends most of his festival day performing period pieces using period instruments. Listen as he sings ballads from days gone by.
Ace the singing Pirate

It doesn't matter if she is on stage as her singing Pirate self or if she is in the lanes blowing her mysterious bubbles, Ace has a way of entertaining young and old alike. You can find her near the children's realm as she has a way of connecting with the wee ones.